Examples of Quality 2 - TOPofART
Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions - Process of Reproducing: Step by Step in Video and Images
Our painting reproductions are hand-painted with oil on a linen canvas. In the creation of our paintings, we only use high quality oil paints containing only pure pigment and oil, without additional admixtures or fillings. The canvas, the brushes, the mediums, and the protective transparent varnishes that are used by us are in strict conformity with the technological process of the old masters.
All our artists have been academically trained according to European standards, and every one of them is a perfect master in their own field. Some of them are specialists in the art of creating precise paintings with a lot of detail that was typical of the Renaissance artists, while others are specialized in the artistic style of the impressionists. These qualities make them capable of reproducing to the level of perfection the style and technique of any old or modern master.
We do not work with "artists" or studios from the Far East spewing out large quantities of low quality products. We only do work exclusively of a high level of quality, and we never compromise with the quality and degree of detail in our paintings.
Every week, we publish videos of the process of creating our paintings. Please review them below that you may be persuaded of our mastership and high quality.
Carel Fabritius - The Goldfinch
Video showing the painting The Goldfinch by Carel Fabritius being created in our studio.
Painting Video PageCezanne - Trees and Houses
Video showing the painting Trees and Houses by Cezanne being created in our studio.
Painting Video PageBlair-Leighton - The Accolade
Video showing the painting The Accolade by Blair-Leighton being created in our studio.
Painting Video PageBatoni - Saint Paul
Video showing the painting Saint Paul by Batoni being created in our studio.
Painting Video PageAudubon - White Gyrfalcons
Video showing the painting White Gyrfalcons by Audubon being created in our studio.
Painting Video PageAlma-Tadema - The Siesta
Video showing the painting The Siesta by Alma-Tadema being created in our studio.
Painting Video PageModigliani - Bust of a Woman with a Necklace
Video showing the painting Bust of a Woman with a Necklace by Modigliani being created in our studio.
Painting Video PageEgon Schiele - Self-Portrait with Physalis
Video showing the painting Self-Portrait with Physalis by Egon Schiele being created in our studio.
Painting Video Pagevan Gogh - Pine Trees at Sunset
Video showing the painting Pine Trees at Sunset by van Gogh being created in our studio.
Painting Video Pagevan Gogh - Wheat Field with Cypresses
Video showing the painting Wheat Field with Cypresses by van Gogh being created in our studio.
Painting Video PageMonet - Water Lilies I
Video showing the painting Water Lilies I by Monet being created in our studio.
Painting Video PageC. D. Friedrich - The Wanderer Above a Sea of Mist
Video showing the painting The Wanderer Above a Sea of Mist by C. D. Friedrich being created in our studio.
Painting Video PageLandseer - Isaac van Amburgh and his Animals
Video showing the painting Isaac van Amburgh and his Animals by Landseer being created in our studio.
Painting Video PageModigliani - Woman with a Red Necklace
Video showing the painting Woman with a Red Necklace by Modigliani being created in our studio.
Painting Video PageRembrandt - The Man with the Golden Helmet
Video showing the painting The Man with the Golden Helmet by Rembrandt being created in our studio.
Painting Video Pagevan Gogh - Noon (Rest from Work)
Video showing the painting Noon (Rest from Work) by van Gogh being created in our studio.
Painting Video PageCaravaggio - Narcissus
Video showing the painting Narcissus by Caravaggio being created in our studio.
Painting Video PageGustav Klimt - Portrait of a Young Woman
Video showing the painting Portrait of a Young Woman by Gustav Klimt being created in our studio.
Painting Video PageFragonard - Young Girl Reading
Video showing the painting Young Girl Reading by Fragonard being created in our studio.
Painting Video PageWilliam Sidney Mount - The Banjo Player
Video showing the painting The Banjo Player by William Sidney Mount being created in our studio.
Painting Video Page